Category: Spirit Dogs

I’m Still Here

Sometimes it’s hard to speak what’s in your heart, especially if things are all mixed up. I guess that’s why we haven’t posted any barks this summer. But time’s awasting and I don’t have forever, so here goes. Fall is…

She’s An Angel

It’s hard to talk about what happened to our pack this year. We lost Mama in January, Tess in April, and little Shiloh is in a fight for her life. The day after Mama died we got the results from…

Through My Tears

It’s been two months since Tess died and my world turned upside down. It all came on so fast I hardly knew what was happening. I could see that Tess was slowing down but she was still full of herself…

My Final Day

The two days since my diagnosis flew by. My people never left my side and let me eat all manner of treats. For some reason my appetite did not fail me, so the treats were a welcome distraction. People came…

In My Own Words

By the time you read this I will be dead. I have only two days of life in my physical form remaining and much to do before I go. I always knew this day would come. I knew that at…

Troubling Thoughts

It’s been almost two months since Mama left us. I miss her wild and quiet ways. She moved like a coyote and always had a far away look in her eyes. The day after Mama died we learned that Shiloh…

Mama We Miss You

Mama was special and wild. I think she was part coyote. She had strange ways but she was very gentle. For some reason Mama liked me and always sniffed me to make sure that I was okay. At first I…

I’m Alone Now

My mother died three days ago. I knew she had to go. She was weak and confused and didn’t want her food. I looked out for her as best I could. I licked her ears to let her know I…

I’m Okay Now

It doesn’t hurt to die. Really it doesn’t. I just felt a little sting when the sedative went in. My mom had her arms around me for support and I slowly fell asleep on my feet. Mom helped me lie…

Before I Go

I should not have waited so long to speak of what is in my heart. But the end has come upon me quickly and I struggle to give voice to feelings that overwhelm me. To many I am an old…