Author: Tess

My Final Day

The two days since my diagnosis flew by. My people never left my side and let me eat all manner of treats. For some reason my appetite did not fail me, so the treats were a welcome distraction. People came…

In My Own Words

By the time you read this I will be dead. I have only two days of life in my physical form remaining and much to do before I go. I always knew this day would come. I knew that at…

What’s Next?

When I don’t get my way, I tend to sulk. Mom says I have the most expressive face of all us dogs and I use it to my advantage. I can’t remember what had me looking so unhappy in this…

The Center of the Universe

If you’re wondering how come we don’t bark much at Asherpark anymore, you don’t have to look any farther than my big smiling face. It’s a long story, but basically me and mom are locked in a battle over who…


If you have been following The DailyBark, you know that I have had some female problems. I have been taking antibiotics for the past few days. I am not chewing myself as vigorously and am starting to feel better. This…


I feel violated and I am not one bit happy! Perhaps everything was done with good intentions, but I did not appreciate the poking and prodding of my personal areas. For several years I have had intermittent bouts of chewing…


If you read the DailyBark you know I don’t bark much. Well, I bark a lot in the house and I certainly bark at strangers, but I don’t do much formal barking. The reason I volunteered to do today’s Bark…

We’re Sorry

We didn’t mean to go off the air. Ash kept up the barks while mom was at the ranch, but when she got home things fell apart. We were really happy that mom was back. The boys took good care…

What About Me

Ash is at the beach this week. It’s his fourth trip. I’ve never been to the beach. I’ve smelled the wild scent on Ash when he comes home and listened to his stories about sea monsters and rogue waves. Ash…

Wicked Wanda

I try to be good. I so want to please my dad. I watch his every move and follow him like his shadow. But I am part border collie and I do have red hair. And sometimes my bad self…