Category: Finn

Here We Go Again

It’s been a while to say the least. A hiatus as one might say, or just a heck of a long time since any of us at Asherpark felt much like posting a bark. Journey really doesn’t want anything to…

Big Time Scary

I’m okay now but I sure had Mom worried for a while. We’d been to the beach where we all had a great time. Me and Journey got to go on lots of walks and sniff really cool stuff. A…

Almost A Year

We’re still here. We didn’t go anywhere. We just quit posting barks on BarkingProse for a while. It’s because our Dad died and we really didn’t have words for what we were feeling. Dad died almost a year ago. Cancer…

Dearest Finn

When you last barked you were very hard on yourself. You said you are not brave and you’re a loser. You were embarrassed because you got carsick on our last drive. It makes me sad to know you hold these…

Feeling Bad

Yesterday wasn’t a good day for me. I screwed up big time and feel like such a loser. Everything I did was wrong from start to finish. It began when mom decided to take me and Journey for a walk.…

Just For Fun

Can you tell what’s happening in this picture? It’s me standing on Journey’s head. See how she’s got this funny look on her face? She’s trying to figure out what to do about me being so rude to her. It’s…

It’s Been A While

You can probably tell from the leaves that it’s autumn at Asherpark. That means I haven’t posted a bark since last winter. That’s just not right but I gotta tell you I’ve been busy – real busy. Here at Asherpark…

Finn The Un-Brave

I come from the same line as our patriarch Ash. His father was father to my great great grandfather and a couple of other grandfathers. Ash was big and strong and full of himself. It’s true I’m not quite two…

Peace On Earth

…….and good will towards all. From our pack to yours, on this and every day, we wish you quiet joy, raucous good times, and a silly mutt to love.

It’s Up To Me

People say I’m an old soul. I don’t exactly know what that means but I like the sound of it. Journey turned three in May. I turned one year old in July. I feel like part goofy puppy and part…