Our Jack


He’s got a head as big as a dinner plate and tiny little paws. His dry eye syndrome makes his eyes weep giving him a sad look.

His right ear is thick and gnarled like a prize fighter. Now he has an infection in that ear and it bothers him a lot.

Mom gave Jack a pain pill this afternoon. He’s having trouble staying awake. If he wakes up and can’t find mom he gets real nervous and trots all over the house looking for her.

Last night I heard mom talking on the phone. She told her friend Jack acts like he has been abused.  Mom said whenever anyone reaches towards Jack he flinches.

I thought maybe it was because he doesn’t see that good. But mom said he sees just fine. Even the eye doctor said his eye condition hasn’t blurred his vision.

Mom said it’s likely somebody hit Jack in the past. That makes me really sad. Jack is the nicest guy in the world. Why would anybody be mean to him?

Nobody has ever hit me. Not for anything. When I was a pup and got into all sorts of trouble, mom gave me time out till I calmed down. She’d never let anybody hurt me.

We’re taking Jack to see Dr. Brad tomorrow. We gotta do something so Jack feels better. He counts on us to take good care of him. Old Dog Haven will pay for his vet bills.

Jack doesn’t understand why strangers send money to Old Dog Haven to support him and other final refuge dogs. I told Jack it’s because he’s special.

There are lots of people who want old dogs like Jack to have a good life. Maybe they can’t have a dog of their own, but they want to help support old dogs who haven’t had an easy life.

Even though Jack is deaf, he can hear kindness. He may flinch when someone moves towards him, but he still loves people. He’s an old worn out dog with a beautiful soul. We’re gonna do everything we can to keep him happy. We want Jack to live a long long time.

Stay tuned. I’ll put out a bark as soon as we know what’s wrong with Jack’s ear. See ya!

I’m A Star


I had so much fun on my birthday yesterday. Tess did The DailyBark for me so I wasn’t on deadline.

I played ball at least ten times, ran the fence line, had a long car ride, and gobbled up my own junior burger at the local burger joint.

Halfway through the day I told mom there was something else I wanted to do. I wanted to star in my own movie.

While Mom got out the camera I had to think about the plot. Easy! I grabbed my favorite squeaky ball and went to work.

Here is it. My very first movie starring me, Asher! See for yourself.  Asher Playing Ball Okay, it’s not Oscar material but it was my birthday and I had a good time making the movie.

Today I’m back on deadline. I’d rather be running the fence line chasing that fool neighbor dog Zoey. But Mom won’t let me out to bark until later in the morning when the neighbors are up.

Jack and Tess are sound asleep. Their bellies are full from our nice warm breakfast. Mom is working on the computer and I’m putting a few barks together. It’s not raining. Spring is on its way. Life is good. I’m a happy mutt. Gotta run!

Birthday Boys


Happy Birthday Ash! Can you believe it? Asher is five years old today. I wish it was my birthday.

Mom’s gonna take Ash and Jack out for a birthday drive. They’ll stop some place where they can have a nice walk.

But then – they’re going to the local burger joint! Two small burgers, no onions, no mustard, no ketchup. I wish I could go too, but I’ll be riding with my dad all day.

When it’s your birthday you get to do everything you want. The only rules are no fighting, no mean stuff.

Ash is such a silly boy. He wants to play ball ten times, go for two car rides, have a burger, take a walk and run the fence line. That’s not too much different than a usual day.

There’s one other thing Ash really wants. Since I’m taking care of the bark for today he asked me to give a shout out to his brothers Abel and Arrow. It’s their birthday too! Here’s hoping you brothers get an extra big bone when your mom comes home from work tonight.

Mom says it seems like only yesterday the brothers were small enough to pick up and hold on your lap. Now they’re five years old. That’s almost grown up in dog years.

On this special day I’m sending great big birthday wishes from Asherpark to Arrow and Abel. Happy Birthday all you silly dogs with the “A” names!

Teenager Brothers