It’s A Guy Thing

Ash Sometimes life gets pretty boring at Asherpark. Oh, I do my best to keep things lively, but by late afternoon mom starts slowing down.

Maybe it’s because us mutts get her up so early. Maybe cause she’s always taking care of what we need and want.

But I hate being bored. Tess curls up on the couch and won’t play. Dad watches TV. Nellie disappears to her secret sleeping spot and Jack snores on for hours.

Mom would like to put her feet up and read, but that’s not what I have in mind. When she settles in on the couch I start prowling. Usually I bring her a sock, but she’s so used to that she doesn’t even look up.

Next I bring a shoe or boot. If it’s an old one she doesn’t care. If it’s a good shoe, she tells me to put it down. Soon I start circling the house looking for anything that will get her to chase me.

Once I found her tax return. Oh boy, that got her up in a hurry. A couple of times I swiped the remote for the tv, but it gets dad too worried so I quit doing that.

Last week my stepbrother Don was lying on the couch. He left his smart phone next to his leg and then fell asleep. I quick grabbed it and trotted over to mom. She whispered for me to give it to her. Not so fast. That was a way cool phone and I pranced all over the house showing it off. Finally mom got me to drop it on the carpet.

My favorite treasure is the cordless telephone. Lots of times I find one lying on the table next to the couch. As soon as I grab the phone mom gets after me. If I’m lucky my teeth will hit the redial button and I’ll call somebody with the phone in my mouth.

One time I heard mom apologizing to some lady friend. “Asher dialed your number by mistake,” she said. “Who was he trying to call?” the lady asked.

Anyway, you know us guys really like electronics, especially cool wireless stuff. None of the other mutts share my fascination with phones, so it’s a game that mom only plays with me.

Let me know if you want me to dial you up sometime!

Tough Night



It happened again last night. Mom awoke to the sound of Nellie crashing into the walls and slipping on the bare floors. It was near midnight and us mutts were enjoying a nice sleep when the attack happened.

Mom quick threw on some clothes and guided Nellie outside where she had better traction. Nellie looked confused and scared.

Mom figured Nellie was having another old dog vestibular event. That’s what the people call it. I call it doggie vertigo. Anyway, the world must have been really spinning for Nellie. Her head was goofy crooked and she seemed like a zombie on steroids.

We got Nellie into the studio where there are lots of dog beds and soft places to land.  Mom curled up on the floor with Nellie and tried to keep her from falling over. When Nellie settled down a little bit, mom slipped her a pain pill.

After about an hour Nellie relaxed and soon fell asleep. By then it was 2am. We all grabbed some needed shut eye for a few hours until Tess decided she wanted breakfast. That got Jack moaning so I pounced on mom to make sure she was awake. For some reason mom always says the same thing when I do that, “Oh no, Asher!”

We woke Nellie up to make sure she was still breathing. Nellie actually seemed a little better. Her head wasn’t quite so out of whack and she definitely wanted her breakfast.

Nellie ate her morning grub as fast as she could. I checked to make sure she didn’t leave anything in the dish. Then we all trooped back to the studio for a nap.


Nellie slept for three hours until we woke her up to do her business. The pain pill is helping her sleep. Mom says that’s what she needs and us mutts can’t be bumping into her or waking her up for no good reason.

I feel so bad for Nellie. When I started this bark my eyes teared up and I couldn’t see so good. Even Tess was crying. It’s not fair that Nellie has all these health problems. She’s been through so much already. We want her to have some fun at Asherpark.  Come on Nellie. You gotta pull through this. We’re barkin for you!



Dog Opthamology


I didn’t get to go so I was a little miffed. Mom explained that she was taking Jack and Nellie to the eye doctor so me and Tess had to stay home.

Jack goes to the eye doctor once a year. He has a dry eye condition and has to take drops every night.

Mom took Nellie because she wanted to find out how blind Nellie is and if there is any way to help Nellie see better. I’ll bark more about Nellie tomorrow, but today I gotta tell you about Jack.

See the picture of Jack? Does he look goofy or what…

Mom said Jack was real good on the way to the eye doc. It’s a long drive, but Jack settled down in the back of the car and had a nice nap. When they arrived at the vet Jack didn’t want to go in but mom convinced him he had to.

The vet has this fancy table that works like an elevator. A mutt steps up onto the table and then it rises to waist high so the people don’t have to bend over all the time.

Mom talked Jack into getting on the table and she held him steady while the table went up. Jack complained to mom that he didn’t like the table, but she told him he had to stay.

Now Jack isn’t the kind of guy to give mom a lot of lip. Oh, he moans and carries on when she leaves him but he never growls or acts bad.

But Jack was plenty displeased by the table elevator at the eye doc. When mom looked at him from the front she could hardly believe what she saw. There was sweet old Jack giving her the dirtiest look he could muster.

Only problem was mom thought he looked so funny she burst out laughing. Mom asked the vet to stop the exam just for a second so she could grab a snapshot of Jack.

When they got home from the vet, mom showed the rest of us how silly Jack looked. By then he was laughing too. See mom treated him and Nellie to a frozen turkey neck as soon as they got home so Jack was in a pretty good mood.

The good news is Jack’s eyes are not getting any worse. The vet says Jack has the best eyes of any of the Old Dog Haven dogs she has examined. Jack just has to keep taking his drops each night before he goes to bed.

If you think Jack looks pretty funny in his picture, you can tell him so by leaving a comment. Jack likes fan mail. He really does.