
Ash and Tess

This picture was taken right after Tess got her big haircut. I was checking out her girlie stuff to make sure she was okay. Thank goodness they didn’t shave her tail. She looked silly enough the way she was.

Apparently girlfriends don’t appreciate hearing about their bad haircuts. All I told Tess was she looked goofy with all her curls gone. I said from a distance she looked kinda butch.

I was just running my mouth. I didn’t mean any harm, but Tess got pretty mad at me and said she didn’t want to be my girlfriend anymore.

I was horrified. Just because I told her she was funny looking doesn’t mean I don’t love her. She went off in a huff and sat by dad. He kept telling her how pretty she was. Mom laughed. Tess didn’t look all that pretty, but she sure wouldn’t drop as much hair around the house this way.

Mom told me not to worry. She said Tess would get over her mad and everything would be okay. In the meantime I went looking for my other girlfriend.

That’s what mom calls my fuzzy binkie. When Tess won’t play with me I grab my binkie and drag it all over the house. Everybody knows not to mess with this girlfriend. I like her a lot. She never talks back, doesn’t snap at me, and always wants to play. Sometimes I take her to bed with me.

It’s good to have more than one girlfriend. You never know when your main squeeze is gonna stop talking to you. If you have a backup girlfriend at least you have somebody to play with.

Jack could use a girlfriend too. One time this old greyhound came to the house. She had been rescued from the racetrack and probably never had a boyfriend.

Jack made a fool of himself chasing after her and barking her up. Anyway, she wouldn’t pay any attention to Jack. It kinda hurt his feelings.

I offered Jack my backup girlfriend, but he wasn’t interested. Later that night Jack poured himself a scotch and moped around the house. Tess flirted with him to make him feel better, but it didn’t help.

The next day mom took Jack on a solo ride. He got to meet some women that mom knows. They made a fuss over him. He came home with a big smile on his face.

That’s what girlfriends can do for you. When they’re not mad at you they make you smile. Hey, here comes Tess. She wants to play with me! Gotta run.





Silly Me


I’m old and worn out. I’m the color of asphalt. I rarely smile and when I do I look silly.

I lack confidence. Why would anyone like me? I’m not an extrovert like Ash. I’m not pretty like Tess. I’m not cute and vulnerable like Nellie.

I have no sense of adventure. I have sad eyes that follow mom wherever she goes. I lie outside her computer room and guard her. I cannot stand to be separated from her. If she leaves without me I howl for a very long time.

Despite my flaws I am loved. How can that be? How does love transcend my shortcomings?

Mom knows I lack confidence. She tries to make me feel special. Yesterday she took me with her when she went to see Shane. Mom has known Shane for a long time. He helped her rehab her shoulder after she had surgery. Now they are pals.

Shane likes me. He invited me to come to his office while he worked on mom. Mom brought my travel bed and I lay down outside the door so I could watch. Nobody could come or go without me noticing.

Shane said I was really good. I was very quiet and did not intrude. When it was time to go I jumped up and ran to the door.

I am the only one who gets to visit Shane. Ash would be too busy. Tess would want to be the center of attention. Nellie would get confused.

Mom asked me to think about that. “Jack, what you see as shortcomings are also your strengths. We love you for who you are,” she said.

I pretended it was no big deal. No big deal to visit Shane. No big deal to be loved for the dog I am. Silly me. A tear slipped down my snout and I looked away. Mom gently wiped the tear off with her thumb and kissed me. I was over the moon. I am loved.



Big Mistake


This whole thing happened about three weeks ago, but I couldn’t bark about it until now.

Ash says I have to fess up. He says it will help me think before I mess up next time. So here’s the background.

I was picked up as a stray on July 5th and I’m scared of fireworks. You put those two things together and bingo! I freaked out and bolted on the 4th of July. That’s how I lost my first home.

I landed in a shelter but because of my good looks I got chosen by some kids after a day or two. Turns out they couldn’t keep me so they put my picture on craigslist. That’s where mom and Ash found me. Mom paid my ransom and home I went to Asherpark.

When I first got to Asherpark I used to bolt and run every chance I got. The fence wasn’t finished yet and I got out a couple of times. I never came when called, but when my dad chased me down in his truck, I was always happy to jump in.

Two years later I’m at home at Asherpark. Ash is my best pal. I ride shotgun with my dad in the truck. Life is good.

A couple of months ago my stepbrother Don came to stay with us. He and dad always take me when they go in the truck. I like Don but I wish he would ride in the back seat instead of me.

This one day we’re heading home from the big city. Don tells dad the ladder is loose and needs to be tied down. They stop the truck and Don gets out to fix the ladder. Silly Don. He leaves the door open and out I jump.

Bad news for me. Don didn’t notice I jumped out. He gets back in the truck and tells dad to go. I was just leaving my mark when I saw the truck start up. I thought it was a joke, so I just kept sniffing and peeing.

Well, the joke was on me. Pretty soon the truck was out of sight and I was alone. My first thought was to chase the truck, but it was too late. I started getting all freaked out until I heard this barking in my head.

At first I thought I was losing my mind, but it was clear and loud. “Stay put. Sit down. Don’t move. They will come back for you.”

“Who are you?” I barked. “I am Codie, spirit dog. I watch over Asherpark,” came the reply.

I sat and waited. People came by and tried to pet me, but I barked them away. I never moved from my spot, even as hope faded and I began to fear the worst. What if they didn’t notice I was gone? What if they didn’t care?

And then I heard it. The loud noise dad’s cranky old truck makes when he goes fast. I heard Don calling my name. “There she is!” he screamed at dad. “She’s right where she got out.”

Dad slammed on the brakes. Don jumped out even before the truck stopped moving. I was delirious with joy. They really did come back for me. Just like Codie said they would.