Old Dog, New Trick


When the weather started getting warm, I asked Jack if he liked ice cream. “What’s ice cream?” he said. The poor guy never tasted ice cream before. I ran and told mom. She got a spoonful of vanilla ice cream and put it in Jack’s mouth. I thought he was gonna cry.

His eyes got real big and he started slurping, then he ran his tongue out as far as it would go. He licked his lips forever and his eyes begged for more. Mom went to the store and got us Frosty Paws. It’s perfect cause it’s for dogs and there are four cups in each box – just right for me, Tess, Jack and Sherm.

Next thing we all had to sit in a circle. Mom knew Tess and I could handle the ice cream by ourselves, but Jack and Sherm needed some help. So mom held the cup for Jack and dad held it for Sherm. Tess and I took our cups out in the grass and held them with our paws. It was real quiet for about five minutes while we licked our cups dry.


I remember the first time I tasted ice cream. I still had my baby teeth. I thought it was the most wonderful thing in the world, and still do.

My mom knows a man who grew up on a farm. He is 94 years old. She asked him what his family fed their dogs when he was a kid. He said the dogs ate leftovers, and on a hot summer day everybody got ice cream, including the dogs. Pretty neat, huh? Gotta run. That fool neighbor dog is way too close to our fence.


I was thinking the other day that out of all us dogs at the house, I’m the only one chosen as a puppy and raised by my mom. Here’s me when I was still at my birth home in eastern Washington. I was the only blue dog in the litter but because I have the fading gene, I shouldn’t make my own pups. That’s how come my mom got me.

Baby Asher

Five weeks after I was born I knew who was going to raise me. Oh, I didn’t know what that really meant, but I remember being told my new family lived in Seattle. My mom came to see me and held me on her lap. I smelled an older dog on her clothes. That turned out to be my Aunt Codie, who taught me much of what I know.

Because my mom is friends with people who have my brothers, I got to go back to my birth home and see my family once in a while. Here’s a picture of me with my dad, Bug. He died young, shortly after this picture was taken. Nobody knows why.

Father and Son

I’ve had an easy life compared to Tess and Jack. I’ve always had the same people around me. I don’t worry that I’ll get left somewhere. I’ve had plenty to eat and a warm place to sleep. My people even make sure I have toys and fun in my life.

My mom tells stories about me when I was a puppy. Nobody can tell those stories for Jack and Tess. It’s like part of their lives got lost along the way and they were reborn when they came to Asherpark.

I’m glad we’re making a home for pals like Tess and Jack. We’ve got room for someone else when the right barker comes along. I’m voting for another Aussie. What do you think? Gotta run.

He’s Crazy


This morning Ash woke up a little crazy. He grabbed a slipper on his way out of the bedroom. That’s not unusual. But before we even had breakfast he was acting goofy.

He jumped up on a chair and challenged us to try and get him. Then he jumped down and landed on Jack. Poor Jack didn’t know what hit him.

Ash nipped Sherm’s his ear and the chase was on. Ash and Sherm went tearing around the yard and through the house. When Ash flew out the door he ran smack into me and rolled me over.

Sherm got tired chasing him. I just sat down to watch the idiot boy. Jack went and stood by Mom. Round and round and around he went. His eyes were crazy with joy. Nobody wanted to play that much and none of us can keep up with him anyway. He finally remembered it was time to eat, but then we all had to wait for him to calm down before we could have our meal.

While we were all eating, Mom went outside. Ash gobbled up his breakfast and then swiped an empty tuna can from the counter. He worked it over pretty good before he gave it to Jack. Mom caught Jack in the midst of the crime, but she knew it wasn’t Jack who helped himself. Of course it was Ash. He’s been surfing the counter a lot lately. He puts his front paws on the counter like a guy at a bar ordering a drink. Mom tries to scold him but he knows she doesn’t mean it when she’s laughing.

So that was our morning. How did your day start? Respectfully, Tess.