All About Me


See me in the truck? See me laughing? I’m soooooo happy when I get to ride in the truck. My papers from the shelter say I’m an Aussie mix, but I have the devious mentality of a Border Collie. I’m manipulative and cunning, but ever so sweet.

Mom says I’m passive aggressive. I don’t think I’m that smart, but maybe….. I make sure I’m always the center of attention. When I’m asked to do something I don’t want to do, I start this kissy-kissy thing. It works on everyone but mom. She tells me to stop it and mind my manners.

Yesterday a cute boy dog came to visit. I put my ears up as high as I could get them. It’s the way a girl shows interest. Then we did a two-step around the living room. It was so much fun. Ash didn’t care. He was busy playing ball. Jack was on the couch next to mom. We all had a good time.

It’s pretty slow today. We’re all missing Sherman. He’s a lot of dog to miss! It’s raining and nobody feels like doing much. Mom’s gonna take Ash and Jack for a ride. I’ll stay home and sleep on the couch until the boys get back. Maybe I’ll clean my nails and bark at the goats. Sometimes it’s fun when not much happens. That’s about it. Respectfully, Tess.

Farewell, My Friend


The big man is going home today. He’s been in our pack for a month. Even Jack is gonna miss him. Me too. When he first showed up Jack freaked out. He thought Sherm was here to take his place. But Sherm was just visiting.

It’s tough to be without your people for a whole month. There were times when Sherm was lonesome. I could tell from the look in his eyes. Other times he had fun playing with us. Sherm and me played hide and seek. He played bump and run with Tess. Lots of times he dribbled his tennis ball by himself.

When Sherm first got here he didn’t like waking up at 5am. One morning after a dog party he wouldn’t get up – not even to eat his breakfast. But now he’s used to the 5am start time. I wonder how his people like waking up that early???

Sherm brought some cool stuffies with him. Mom told his people I might destroy them. MIGHT? I ripped up the turtle the first week. I showed Sherm how to do it and he finished it off. There are two stuffies left – the polar bear and the hedgehog. I think I’ll hide one so it stays here when Sherm goes home.

Once you’ve let somebody in your pack, it’s like you’re friends forever. Sherm can come back anytime. He’s always welcome. See ya, buddy!

We’re Glad


Remember Julia? She hurt her foot when she was at our dog party a couple of weeks ago. She got her cast off this week and she’s hardly limping. This is an old picture her mom took when she was smiling. I’m using it cause we’re all smiling with her now.

It was really hard to see her hurting. We all wanted to make her feel better, but we had to stay outside so we didn’t step on her and make things worse. Jack really hopes she’ll come back to see him.

Julia is lucky. Not only was she rescued by really neat people, but she has the best dog pal. His name is King. He and Julia play a lot together. While Julia was mending, King stuck by her to cheer her up. Here’s another picture Julia’s mom took. See what I mean? There’s King sleeping right next to Julia.

Julia and King

It’s kinda hard to know how to look out for us barkers. We need to run and have fun, but if we’re not careful or we land wrong, we can get hurt bad. Once I jumped over our fence and landed on my brother Abel. Whew! That knocked me cuckoo.

Seems like life is full of risks. You never know how things are gonna turn out. Mom took a risk when she chose me. I coulda been a real pest. HaHa. I am a real pest. See what I mean?

Come back soon Julia. We’re real glad you feel better.