Category: Asherpark

In My Opinion

In case you’re wondering, there’s gonna be more from Nellie’s diary. I’ve been going through her papers and found that she didn’t always finish her stories. Sometimes there’s a gap between what just happened and her next adventure. That leaves…

It’s A New Year

Time passes but where does it go? Me and Journey are older now because time marches on taking us with it. Once in a while Mom says she wishes she could stop time because the moment is so perfect, but…

Merry Christmas Everybody!

Me and Journey kept asking Mom what she wanted for Christmas. We were thinking maybe she’d want something special like a new dog leash or a dog bowl. Turns out all she wants is us! That’s kinda silly because we’ve…

Can BarkingProse Rise Again?

Lately I’ve been thinking about inertia. It makes sense that if you’re in motion it’s easy to stay in motion, but once you’ve stopped it’s hard to restart. After our dad died me and Journey argued over who was gonna…

A Christmas Long Ago

I was looking through old pictures and I found this one. I never met Ash but Journey has told me all about him. He’s the reason we live in the country in a special place called Asherpark. Mom and Ash…

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!

It’s a tradition for us mutts at Asherpark to post a Bark on Thanksgiving. I was hoping Journey would step up and help me out, but no way. She’s busy tracking all the wildlife that ran through our yard last…


Journey and me are about the same size. I’m a little taller and outweigh her by five pounds. I’ve got a sturdy build. Journey has a delicate frame and tiny paws. But don’t let that fool you. She’s tough as…

Just For Fun

Can you tell what’s happening in this picture? It’s me standing on Journey’s head. See how she’s got this funny look on her face? She’s trying to figure out what to do about me being so rude to her. It’s…

They’re Back!

Yes, the alpacas are back. Turns out they weren’t very good guests at the nearby farm where they spent the summer. Since Ash died the alpacas lost all respect for us dogs. Ash used to bite them on their butts…