Q and A With Finn

Good morning Finn. Thank you for agreeing to participate in this interview. I’m here to ask you some questions about your role as the principal reporter for BarkingProse. For those who may not be familiar with your blog, BarkingProse has been around for more than a decade. It’s well known in the canine world as one of very few blogs written by dogs for dogs. As your founder Asher so eloquently put it, “BarkingProse gives dogs a chance to have their say.” So let’s jump right in and get to some of the questions I think your readers would like to have you answer.

Question: Do you like your name, Finn?

Finn: Yes! Finn is a great name. It sounds serious and manly and it’s easy for people to say.

Question: Do you know where your name comes from?

Finn: I sure do. I’m named after some legendary Irish hero named Finn MacCool.

Question: What’s your favorite food?

Finn: HaHa! That’s a silly question. Whatever I’m eating at the moment is my favorite food. I like everything!

Question: Why are you afraid to walk on shiny floors?

Finn: Aw Mom, did you have to ask me that? It’s the one question I can’t answer. They just freak me out.

Question: How old are you Finn?

Finn: That’s an easy question. I’m seven and a half years old.

Question: What’s your most favorite thing to do?

Finn: Eat

Question: What’s your second most favorite thing to do?

Finn: Go to nose work classes and get lots of treats for finding stuff.

Question: Do you like being interviewed?

Finn: Well, I don’t mind but it’s kinda weird. I mean since I’m the reporter for BarkingProse I’m usually the one asking the questions.

Question: Do you wish Journey would help you with BarkingProse?

Finn: Yeah I do. I wish I had a pal to work with. Journey is so darn smart. She could be a great reporter, but all she wants to do is hunt varmints and bark at the neighbor dog.

Question: Would you like to switch places so you can interview me? Your next Bark could be you asking me questions.

Finn: You know I want to! Yes please! Tomorrow. That’s gonna be such a fun Bark. Thanks Mom!

That concludes our interview Finn. Thanks for being such a good sport and helping me with my writing assignment. I owe you big time!

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