All About Finn


I can’t believe it. Mom just got off the phone with her writing coach and one of her assignments is to interview me! OMG! I can’t wait to hear what questions Mom is gonna ask me.

And if she does like when she used to be an investigator, the last question will be totally up to me – something like, “Finn, is there anything I didn’t ask that you would like to talk about?” Believe me, that will definitely be my favorite question cause then I get to have my say.

Mom doesn’t need my help to come up with some good questions, but I hope she reads this Bark first and sees some of the stuff I’d like to talk about.

1) When dead dogs cross over the bridge, what’s at the end of that bridge?
2) How come people say “NO” so often? Why so many rules?
3) Why aren’t dogs supposed to sniff the crotch of visitors? That makes no sense.
4) Mom says she’s too old to get another puppy. How can that be?
5) Why am I so afraid of slippery gray floors?

Well, I could go on forever but you get the idea. Mom says she wants to do the interview this evening after we’ve taken our long walk and had our dinner. That gives me all day to be happy just thinking about ME being the center of attention. So stay tuned. This is fun stuff. I can’t wait!


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