Silly Stuff


Remember I got in trouble for going a whole week without barking? I promised mom I would post a bark every day in September to make up for goofing off. I’ve been thinking about the different things I could bark about and decided to start out with some silly stuff.

Mom was pretty young when she found her first Australian Shepherd. She named him Jesse. He was black and white and most people thought he was a border collie, but he was all Aussie.

Mom said Jesse was crazy about the ball like me. Since mom was young and goofy, she liked to teach Jess all sorts of stupid dog tricks. Her favorite was tennis ball in the toilet.


She won’t show me how it worked but she described it to me. She and Jess would go in the bathroom. Jess would sit facing the toilet. Mom would drop the ball in the toilet and tell Jess to leave it. She’d flush the toilet and the water would suck the ball down to the bottom of the bowl.

Then she’d tell Jess “okay” so he’d know he could go after the ball. He’d wait until the toilet was finished emptying. When the water started coming back into the toilet the ball would shoot straight up into the air. Jess would leap up and grab it. Mom didn’t want to handle the yucky wet tennis ball so she taught Jess to drop it back in the toilet himself. Then she’d flush and they’d do it all over again. Mom said that’s an example of how dumb she was when she was young.

Mom also taught Jess to climb up on the kitchen table. She says she has no idea thirty years later why she thought that was a good idea at the time. It didn’t bother her to have Jess sitting on the kitchen table while she was cooking, but it sure made other people nervous.

I wish I could have known my mom when she was young and silly. By the time I came along she had gotten all serious. But I think she still has a silly streak. Yesterday when I brought her three pairs of shoes from her closet just so she’d pay attention to me, she laughed and told me how much she loved my silly self. Maybe if I work with my mom I can help her remember how much fun it is to be silly. I’m counting on her. Gotta run!

Zag Has A Girlfriend!


I’m barking on deadline because I gotta get this story out. My brother Zag has a girlfriend and they’re already living together!!

Her name is Katie and she’s a rescue dog. She’s from Idaho where Zag lives. And get this – she’s a McNab!

If you’re like us you’re probably scratching your head and wondering what the heck is a McNab. Turns out Katie isn’t just some mixed breed.  She’s a herding dog like me and Zag.

I’m too excited about Zag and Katie to tell you all about the McNab breed, so you’ll have to read for yourself. Try this link for starters: McNab Shepherd

Getting back to the real story, Zag has been kinda lonely ever since he lost his big sister Zoey. He pestered his mom a lot and acted strange. I kept telling him he needed a girlfriend to pal around with, but he didn’t know how to find one.

Then Zag’s mom got involved with a local rescue effort and the second dog she brought home to foster was Katie. My mom told Zag’s mom the two dogs would decide if they wanted to be boyfriend/girlfriend. But you know how humans are. They worry about everything. Well, Zag and Katie worked it out as soon as they met. Now Zag’s mom can’t keep them apart.

Zag and Katie

Here’s what I really like about this story. Zag was lonely and needed a girlfriend. Katie was lost and needed a home. Zag’s mom wanted to help out a poor stray. All three got their wish. It’s a win-win-win for everybody.

I’m so excited for my little brother. This has been a real fun bark. Gotta run!

I’m In Trouble


How was I to know it’s been almost a week since my last post? I’ve been enjoying the dog days of summer and totally forgot to post the news.

It’s not like we haven’t been doing anything. Maybe we’ve been doing too much. Sometimes life at Asherpark feels like summer camp.

There’s goats to annoy, chickens to stare at, balls to catch and friends to entertain. Mom’s friend from when she was a pup likes to come and see me. Her husband calls me the Clown Prince.

A couple of days ago we put the goats in the dog pen. That’s really fun for me and Tess because we can bark at the goats close up. I’m sure the goats like it too. The chickens had to stay in their house so me and Tess could have run of the ravine while mom and dad did clean-up.

Then Tess had all her hair balls shaved off. She acted like it was a big deal, but mom’s real careful so she didn’t get hurt. Besides she got lots of treats for holding still. Jack says we’re next for grooming. Gosh, I hope not. I like being a dirty country dog.

Mom told me I had to apologize for goofing off. She said summer is almost over and it’s time to get serious. I promised her I would post every day for the whole month of September. Oh boy, what did I get myself into?

I sure hope Jack and Tess will help me out. Maybe some guest dogs will send some stuff. Hey, my brother Zag could bark a post or two. Zag’s mom got him a rescue girlfriend to keep him company. There’s got to be a story there. Zaggie please! Help me out, okay? Anyway, gotta run.