Mom left the house early and none of us got to go with her. She said she had to go do something for Old Dog Haven.
That perked Jack up. He argued that he was an Old Dog Haven final refuge dog and he should get to go with her.
But mom held her ground and left us all home. She drove off to the animal shelter in Everett where she sprung some mutt named Guppy.
Guppy is supposed to be a mix of Chihuahua and MinPin. Whose idea was that? After mom signed him out she loaded Guppy in the car and the taxi ride began.
Mom drove Guppy to meet his new family. Guppy wanted to sit on her lap while she was driving but mom never lets us do that. He cried and kept putting his paw on mom.
They were in the car for about an hour so mom had lots of time to chat with Guppy. He was a nervous little fellow but who wouldn’t be.
Imagine if your nice home life ended one day with no explanation. Your boss just packed up your stuff and took you to the shelter. You smelled the fear and confusion when you walked in the door and you tried to run back to your car.
You watched frantically as your person or some person signed papers saying you no longer had a home. And then you were alone. Not really alone because there were people and dogs and cats.
But nobody knew you at the shelter. Nobody knew your special spot where you liked to be scratched. Nobody knew your favorite food or the tricks you could do. Maybe nobody cared.
Guppy is one lucky mutt. He only spent ten days in the joint. Our Jack spent five long months. Guppy got a taxi ride to meet his new people. And what good people. Guppy knew instantly he had won the lottery and started making nice. The man found Gup’s favorite scratching spot and Guppy was enchanted.
I guess that’s how life is. One chapter ends and you think you’ll never be happy again. Then something good happens and you’re back in the game.
I never got to meet him but I’m sure that Guppy’s story will have a happy ending. Guppy gets a new chance at life with people who want nothing more than to help an older dog. That’s what Old Dog Haven is all about. Nice, huh!
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