I am emerging from the dark time and have begun to find my voice. I was rescued by Old Dog Haven. My new people are part of the Old Dog Haven network of foster homes. They take in old dogs like me who have no where else to go. The lady packleader chose me for my poor looks, thinking no one else would want me.
My name is now Jack. I like that name. The woman named me. Others had called me Cyrus for a time, but she felt that was a cruel joke. It wasn’t fair to have a noble name when I look like a junkyard dog. She almost gave up on me when I frightened her with my bad behavior. But she gave me a second chance and now she says I have won her heart.
I cannot really remember much of my life before the shelter. I lived in a house with many small dogs. I was not well cared for. My owner got in trouble – too many dogs, I heard. I was taken from my home and held in a shelter for five long months.
The shelter staff befriended me. They felt sorry for me because my eyes were nearly glued shut with infection when I arrived. My eyes are now healthy but I am still cursed with overly small eyes that are clouded with age giving me the appearance of dull intellect.
The shelter staff begged Old Dog Haven to find me a home. I’m not sure how or why I impressed them, but I am grateful for their kindness. I will bark more as my spirit strengthens. My voice is not yet strong so I must end my barking for today.
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