We Are Family


Did you ever notice how Jack always looks so sad? He has a far away look in his eyes like he’s trying to remember something. Or maybe he’s trying to forget something. He doesn’t talk much unless he can’t find our mom. Then he starts hollering for her. I used to laugh at him but now I know it really freaks him out not to know where she is.

Tess can’t remember much about her past, but she’s not sad about it. She gets uptight in the car. It’s like she’s gonna have a fit if she can’t sit in the front seat. Jack and me just hang together in the back. I don’t care who sits where as long as we all get to go.

So yesterday this great big dog named Sherman came to visit. He weighs more than me and Jack together. Good thing he’s a nice guy. Jack started barking and acting weird. All of a sudden I understood something about Jack. He doesn’t know how to make new friends. He doesn’t know you just sniff and pee and mind your own business for a few minutes until everybody settles down. Poor Jack. Maybe nobody ever showed him how to make friends.

I talked to Tess and we decided we’re gonna try harder to make Jack feel like he’s part of the family. Maybe he’ll open up about why he looks so sad. Or maybe just being in a happy place will make him feel better. Anyway, Jack is family and we’re here for him. Forever. Gotta run!

I Am Not A Pervert


Just because I like my mom’s dirty underwear doesn’t make me a pervert. I prefer her undershirts but I’ll settle for what’s available. If all else fails I’ll go for socks or shoes, but her undershirts are my favorite.

I only take my mom’s underwear. I have been known to swipe a sock or two from guests, and routinely grab a sock from my dad on my way out the door in the morning. But I only have a taste for underwear my mom has worn.

Ash in Pink

I like to sneak into the closet where the hamper lives. I carefully select my garment. She can tell what I’m up to by my strut. I prance around to show off what I’ve got. I walk past the people and turn my head to make sure they see the laundry. If anyone tries to intercept me I pick up the pace and run a few laps around the couch.

Some people argue I should be scolded for swiping laundry. My mom says a good laugh is hard to come by and she’ll put up with little holes in her undershirt for the fun of seeing her laundry saunter by. I think it gets to what’s important in your life – a good laugh or nice underwear. Tough choice. Anyway, gotta run.

Chew On This


I have a friend who is a service dog. His name is Cody. He belongs to a person who knew me when I was a puppy. My mom used to take him to work when his boss was sick. He wore his service dog vest and got to go to all sorts of neat places. This is him with some funny teeth my mom gave him.


For a while my mom thought I could learn some service dog tricks because I like to carry things around in my mouth.

I don’t really want to be a service dog. Oh, I like to bring her all her shoes from the closet. She laughs and says thank you. Then I start after the laundry. She’s still laughs and tries to tell me no. When she ignores me I grab the TV remote or the phone. She says “No, No Asher” but she can’t stop laughing. That makes me happy.

One time I brought her a kitchen manual. She grabbed that right away so I figured she really likes paper. When I picked up the her tax return things really got silly.

People call me the juvenile delinquent. But it’s all in good fun. When somebody’s really sad I make them laugh. When they’re happy I’m happy too. Life is good. I’m glad my mom lets me be silly. Cody gets to be silly too when he’s not working. Maybe you should try being silly once in a while. It won’t hurt you. Gotta run!