We’re Sad

Last Sunday we had another dog party. Our friends brought King and Julia to play. Julia is a greyhound. She was born to race but our friends rescued her and now she has a great life. King was rescued too. They’re best friends. Here’s a neat picture of Julia that her mom took.


Jack was really happy to see Julia again. The first time she came to see us Jack fell in love with her and wouldn’t leave her alone. Julia could have run away from Jack but she didn’t. I think she knew Jack liked her and she was real nice to him.

On Sunday it was raining but we didn’t care. We were playing chase and having fun. Julia is so fast even I can’t catch her. She was racing around the yard. When she made a turn, she slipped on the sidewalk and skidded hard on her rear legs.

All the people ran to see if she was ok. She wasn’t ok. She was hurt. She rubbed a lot of skin off her legs and could hardly walk. The rest of us dogs knew something bad had happened. Julia limped into the house and curled up on a dog bed.

Julia’s people got her to stay quiet. They put bandages on her where she was bleeding. We all felt sad that she hurt herself when she was having such a good time. It was really tough on Jack.

Julia went to the hospital. She got an x-ray. It showed she had a broken toe. The doctors put her in a splint and bandaged the deep wound. Her people took her home and put her to bed. The next morning she felt better and has already learned how to walk with her splint.

Julia in Bandages

Us house dogs think Julia would like some get well barks. You can send barks to asher@barkingprose.com. There’s also a link under Send A Bark. I’ll make sure she gets them.

Give your own dog some extra hugs today. Life is fragile. One minute you’re having fun and then you’re not. Think about it.

Of Dogs and Goats

Pepper & Cartman

Remember I’ve been barking about the party we had?  Well there’s a lot more to bark about. Some people brought their own dog pack – three lady Labradors. My mom says they’re no ladies, but they are girl dogs.

Their boss used to be a photographer before he became something else. He sent us some really neat pictures. Look at Pepper having a close encounter with Cartman. The goats really like people and dogs. Well, they don’t like me  much cause I chase them back to their house. But the goats like to meet new dogs.

Dogs and Goats

Here’s Tess, Sherman and Maggie  chatting up Cartman and Leroy. It’s a waste of time. The goats don’t have much to say. They’re too busy eating everything in sight. It makes my mom so mad when she’s working around the goats. They grab her hair and pull the buttons off her jacket. Once they peed in my dad’s tool bucket. He’s still mad about that.

I gotta show you my favorite picture. It’s me and my ball. Notice all my paws are off the ground! That’s why they call me flyboy. If you click on a picture it will jump to a bigger view. That way you can see how high I was flying. See ya.

Asher Airborne

Jack’s Eyes


See how Jack’s eyes look? His eyes are kinda weird. That made us worry maybe he couldn’t see very well. Our regular vet said Jack has dry eyes. So Old Dog Haven paid for Jack to see an eye doctor in Bellingham.

Jack got to go for a long car ride with mom. They were gone most of the day. Jack loved it cause he didn’t have to share mom with the rest of us. He came home with red stuff around his eyes. He looked like he’d been crying red tears.

We got good news about Jack. He does have dry eye but there isn’t any damage to his eyeballs. He gets drops in his eyes twice a day for two months then once a day for two months. Then he goes back to the eye doc to see how he’s doing. I’m hoping to ride along with him next trip. Heard he got some special treat in the car on the way home.

Did you know dry eye problems can make a dog blind? The eye doc said it makes scars on the cornea and it hurts plenty. We’re all really glad Jack hasn’t been hurting. He doesn’t like the eye drops but he’ll do anything to please mom. It’s pretty silly. She shows him the eye medicine each time. Jack closes his eyes like it’s gonna hurt. Mom puts a drop in each eye and kisses him on his funny snout. Then Jack opens his eyes and kisses mom. Goofy, huh? Gotta run. That neighbor dog keeps barking her fool head off.