Last Sunday we had another dog party. Our friends brought King and Julia to play. Julia is a greyhound. She was born to race but our friends rescued her and now she has a great life. King was rescued too. They’re best friends. Here’s a neat picture of Julia that her mom took.
Jack was really happy to see Julia again. The first time she came to see us Jack fell in love with her and wouldn’t leave her alone. Julia could have run away from Jack but she didn’t. I think she knew Jack liked her and she was real nice to him.
On Sunday it was raining but we didn’t care. We were playing chase and having fun. Julia is so fast even I can’t catch her. She was racing around the yard. When she made a turn, she slipped on the sidewalk and skidded hard on her rear legs.
All the people ran to see if she was ok. She wasn’t ok. She was hurt. She rubbed a lot of skin off her legs and could hardly walk. The rest of us dogs knew something bad had happened. Julia limped into the house and curled up on a dog bed.
Julia’s people got her to stay quiet. They put bandages on her where she was bleeding. We all felt sad that she hurt herself when she was having such a good time. It was really tough on Jack.
Julia went to the hospital. She got an x-ray. It showed she had a broken toe. The doctors put her in a splint and bandaged the deep wound. Her people took her home and put her to bed. The next morning she felt better and has already learned how to walk with her splint.
Us house dogs think Julia would like some get well barks. You can send barks to There’s also a link under Send A Bark. I’ll make sure she gets them.
Give your own dog some extra hugs today. Life is fragile. One minute you’re having fun and then you’re not. Think about it.
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