Author: Nellie

On Our Own

Ash is already worried about mom leaving us. She’s going to the ranch for a long weekend. I don’t even know what a ranch is, but when she comes home she sure smells good. Mom loves to ride horses in…

It’s Not Easy

Seems like there is always something going wrong with me. I arrived at Asherpark with a horrible stinky infection in my pee trap. I had rotten teeth. One had to be pulled. I had a growth on my eyelid that…

The Long Road Back

I almost died. I had to go to the hospital. Ash and mom took me there and then they had to leave me. They cried when they left. I was too sick to cry. It started with another of those…


I don’t remember my name from the Dark Days. I’m sure I had one, don’t you think? I mean, everybody has a name. Names are given to you by somebody who is supposed to care about you. That’s why they…

Cleaning House

It’s partly my fault again that the barks went silent. I’ve had some problems that cause our mom a lot of work. My pee trap has leaked ever since I came to Asherpark. It’s a lot better now because I…

Me and Ash

If you’ve been reading our barks, you know me and Ash promised mom we’d keep up with the DailyBark. Tess and Jack don’t like to bark much. Once in a while they pitch in, but not often. In the past…


Last night us four mutts got left home when mom and dad went out for the evening. They went to see their good friends who like to cook. After one of those dinners, there’s always a bunch of leftovers. This…

What If

It was April 2011. I was picked up as a stray. People thought I had been hit by a car. Some nice lady took me to a vet clinic. The clinic called the pound and soon I was locked in…

I Was Sick

One day I was fine, the next day I wasn’t so fine. It came on slowly and suddenly I got real bad. You can see from my picture I wasn’t feeling good. Mom put me on the couch so I…

Where Are You?

I’m deaf and nearly blind. I look but I cannot see. I get lost in the house, stuck in corners, wondering where everyone went. I can always count on my mom to come find me. I never had a mom…