A Christmas Long Ago


I was looking through old pictures and I found this one. I never met Ash but Journey has told me all about him. He’s the reason we live in the country in a special place called Asherpark.

Mom and Ash had a special connection. They were soulmates and did everything together. Mom relied on Ash to help the new dogs learn the ropes. Even the scared rescue dogs knew they were safe around Ash.

Journey told me when a person and dog love each other their hearts begin to grow together. It’s kinda hard to explain. The dog’s heart becomes part of the person’s heart and the human’s heart grows inside the dog.

I know it sounds a little weird, but you end up with a person and dog that are one with each other. Their hearts beat in harmony and they know what the other is thinking without words or gestures. It happens slowly over time until their souls merge. That’s what mom and Ash shared.

It’s all so confusing. I’m at Asherpark because Ash died. If Ash hadn’t died mom wouldn’t have had any reason to find me. It’s like Ash gave up his place at Asherpark to make space for me and now my heart is growing inside mom and she loves me too.

If you’re thinking ahead you can maybe see the one problem with sharing hearts. When your soulmate dies you lose a big part of your heart. People say your heart breaks but it’s more like a part of your heart gets ripped out and it takes a long time to mend.

Us dogs don’t live long enough to stay with our people throughout their lives. That’s why young pups are so important. When we’re really little and don’t know much about the world, we constantly love on our people and make them laugh. When our people cry we lick their tears away and then they laugh more and their hearts begin to heal.

I’m not brave like Ash but he trusted me to take care of mom after he left. He told me to be sure and grab her socks and race around the house. He told me to look her in the eye and argue with her when she scolds me. He told me to do silly things and make her laugh.

I asked mom how much of her heart was hers and how much came from the dogs she has loved.

“Finn, I’ve loved so many dogs. Each has a special place in my heart and always will,” mom said. “You and Journey are knitting your hearts to mine and we are sharing our hearts with each other.”

I guess that’s the way love works. In time our hearts become one with those we love.

On Christmas Day we’re gonna do our best to make mom laugh. And then we’re gonna have a giant Christmas bone.


Merry Christmas Everyone!




Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!

Finn and Mom

It’s a tradition for us mutts at Asherpark to post a Bark on Thanksgiving. I was hoping Journey would step up and help me out, but no way. She’s busy tracking all the wildlife that ran through our yard last night.

It’s a sunny cold day and I have so much energy I just want to run circles in the frosty grass. But I promised myself I would say something on Thanksgiving, so here it is.

See me in the picture with mom? This is how Thanksgiving feels to a dog. I’m giving mom a big hug and loving on her. She’s looking at me like I’m the best thing in the whole wide world. That makes us both thankful.

Here’s me messing with Uncle Dan.  You already saw this picture in another Bark, but I gotta share it again on Thanksgiving. I sure love my Uncle Dan.


Finn and Uncle Dan

Here’s my final picture and a few words to go with it. Thanksgiving is a special day.  We all should think about what we’re grateful for. I’m grateful I get to be the voice for Asherpark. I’m grateful I have the best ever sister in Journey. And I’m super grateful for all the humans who love me and Journey. Life is good!




Dearest Finn


When you last barked you were very hard on yourself. You said you are not brave and you’re a loser. You were embarrassed because you got carsick on our last drive.

It makes me sad to know you hold these thoughts. I do not share the same opinion and hope you will listen to what I have to say and ponder these things in your heart.

Being brave is not the same as being unafraid. It’s easy to do something if you are not afraid. It’s much more difficult to acknowledge your fear and do it anyway.

You and Journey are very different even though you come from the same place and have relatives in common.

Journey was born confident and happy. Life has been easy for Journey because she sees the world as a welcoming place.

You were born thoughtful and wary. You are not sure what the world holds for you and you need time to decide how to respond to new people and places.

You, Finn, are a sweet soul. You have unique spiritual gifts and your ability to feel what others feel is remarkable for a young boy dog.

You have already had success in your young life. You excelled in all your classes. You walk politely on a leash and listen when I ask you to do things. You wait for me when we leave the house and look back to make sure I am with you.

Your job is to be the very best you can be, not to emulate Journey or any other dog you admire. Your courage is of a different sort but you are brave nonetheless.

It’s not easy being the little brother to a diva, but you are the best little brother Journey could have asked for.

In closing Finn I want you to  know how much I love and admire you. You are a blessing to all of us and I am very grateful to be your mom.

So don’t be hard on yourself. Know that you are loved and you have powerful gifts. You will find your way in this world…..I promise.

Love, Mom