I’ve had a lot on my mind lately. With the addition of Nellie our pack has grown to four mutts, not to mention people, goats, chickens and wild critters.
I used to be a frat boy. Barked, played, ran off on my private adventures. I thought “come” was optional and pretty much did what I wanted.
When I turned five mom said I had to grow up. At first I didn’t want to. It was fun being the clown. But I know mom needs my help and besides, training is fun.
At feeding time mom needs me to do what she says. With two deaf dogs it’s hard to keep order. Mom trusts me to stay put and leave the others alone while she makes up the chow.
When we’re all out in the big front yard, mom needs me to come right away when she calls. That way the deaf dogs see me running to mom an follow me. Notice I haven’t said much about Tess. Tess still thinks commands are suggestions. We’re working on that!
Most important, mom counts on me to be friendly to guest dogs. Jack doesn’t always know how to behave. Nellie is oblivious, and Tess is unpredictable. Mom trusts me to greet the new dogs and show them around. That means no trash talking or heavy duty bump and run.
I’m glad mom trusts me. I get to do a lot of stuff the other dogs can’t. It’s my reward for doing what mom asks. I’m good with that. Maybe I have grown up a little. We’ll see. Gotta run!
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