Boxing Day


Hey, you won’t believe this. Mom just told me that British people celebrate Boxing Day right after Christmas. That sounds like my kind of holiday.

At first I thought people put on gloves and whacked each other around on Boxing Day. Then mom explained it’s not like that at all. It’s more likely about giving gifts to servants. Huh? Who has servants these days?

Me and mom are reading up on Boxing Day because our British neighbors are having a party tonight. We’ve looked at tons of stuff on the web, but it all comes out the same. Nobody knows for sure how Boxing Day originated or why it’s called Boxing Day.

Some people think you take your boxes of unwanted Christmas presents back to the store on Boxing Day. Nope. That’s not it.

Other people think it’s an old custom that goes back to the middle ages when rich people had servants. The unlucky servant had to work on Christmas but got the day after Christmas to visit family. The rich people gave the servant a box of stuff – clothes, food, presents, money – to take home with them.

But there’s this really nasty version of Boxing Day from ‘’  Here, read it for yourself.

“The Feast of St. Stephen also takes place on December 26. St. Stephen was one of the seven original deacons of the Christian Church who were ordained by the Apostles to care for widows and the poor. For the success of his preaching and his devotion to Christ, St. Stephen was stoned to death by a mob.” I don’t even want to think about that.

I told mom let’s us make up our own Boxing Day rules. So here’s what we’re gonna do. Mom will take all the leftover boxes and hide them around the house. Each box will have its own little treat. Us dogs will have a couple of minutes to find the boxes and gobble the treats.

Nellie goes first. She has a good nose but can’t see, so she gets a head start.  Jack goes next  ’cause he’s timid and won’t know he can have the treat when he finds it. Mom will have to go with him to tell him it’s okay.

I’ll let Tess go third. She’s got such a great nose it won’t take her long to grab her loot. Then mom will reload the boxes and I’ll eat my way through all the good stuff. If I miss one, Tess will be sure to cover for me.

I like this holiday stuff. You can make up your own rules so everybody has fun. You decide what you think Boxing Day means. I’m going with the boxes loaded with treats!




Joy to the World


Us mutts woke up all excited this morning. We know there are some presents for us and we’ll get a big warm bowl of our special homemade dog slop for breakfast.

Lately mom has been asking us to think about what makes us happy and what we’re grateful for. I called the pack together and told everybody they each had to give me three things that brought them joy and I would post them in the bark today. I’ll save mine for last.

Tess says, “I’m really happy that I don’t have to wear that hideous pink harness someone put on me before I came to Asherpark. Everybody knows a redhead should never wear pink!”


“I really love having my own person and riding in the truck with my dad. What brings me the most joy is my pal, Ash. He taught me how to play and forgives me when my bad self comes out.”

Wow, that shows a lot of insight for Tess. She’s had to work on some issues since she came to Asherpark, but she’s made a lot of progress.


Jack says, “I am glad to be alive. I am glad to have a home with warm floors and all the food I ever need. I am so happy to belong to people who love me and have dog pals I trust.”

After a lifetime of neglect and five months in the slammer, Jack doesn’t ask for much in this life. He’s grateful just to be here with us. Almost brings a tear to my eye to think of what Jack has come through.

Nellie had the hardest time explaining what brings her joy. Maybe it’s because her cogs don’t work so good anymore. I tried to help her out by asking some questions, but that just made her more confused.


Nellie said it would come to her if she could write it down herself. Here’s what she wrote: “I am alive. I wasn’t killed on my execution date.  In my old life I was hungry, sick and lonely. That was so long ago I hardly remember. My new life is filled with love and kindness, people and dog pals, warm food, gentle pats, and my own sleeping pad right next to my mom. If I weren’t so crippled up, I would jump for joy!”

It’s hard to top what the other mutts have barked, but here goes. I was born with a happy spirit. I was named Asher after a guy in the Bible who was promised a happy life. I’ve had the best life any mutt could ever ask for.

My people even bought me five acres and named the place after me. I’m the mutt in charge at Asherpark. But if I had to pick one silly thing that makes me the most happy, it’s this. I can make my mom laugh even when she’s really mad at me. There’s nothing better in this world than seeing the person you love burst out laughing. It’s like bringing joy to your world!!





I could weep for joy and dance with delight. Something totally wonderful and unexpected happened. I was adopted!

You have to understand how Old Dog Haven works to know what this means. I owe my life to Old Dog Haven. I was on death row at the shelter. I even had an execution date. But Old Dog Haven stepped in and saved my hide.

Once Old Dog Haven springs you from the slammer, you get evaluated. Some dogs are obviously fit for adoption. They go to a foster home where they hang out until somebody adopts them.

Other worn out sorry mutts like me become Final Refuge dogs. We go to a home where the people agree to keep us until we die.

Since I was sick and old and could hardly walk, I became a Final Refuge dog. My family at Asherpark told me I had a forever home and I would stay with them until it was my time to cross the bridge.

Till last night, me and Jack were both Final Refuge dogs. Jack won’t ever be adopted out because he had such a tough life and has a hard time adjusting to new circumstances. Plus, he’s a great ambassador for Old Dog Haven with his soulful eyes and teddy bear face.

Anyway, I heard people whispering a few days ago. Well, maybe they were talking loud and it just sounded like whispering to me because I’m deaf. Ash had Jack and Tess in a huddle, like he was the quarterback calling the next play.

Mom was busy writing e-mails to Old Dog Haven, and then kept checking to see if she got an answer back.

Just before bedtime mom called Ash over. “It’s official, Ash.” she said. “Our pack has adopted Nellie just in time for Christmas.”

Tess and Jack don’t quite understand why this is such a big deal. After all, they knew I was gonna live my last days at Asherpark anyway. But I know how much it means. I truly belong and now I have the same last name as Asher.

Mom said it shows how much everybody loves me and wants me to be a forever member of the family. It also frees up some resources that Old Dog Haven can use to help another old mutt.

When mom tucked me into bed last night, she whispered that she loves me. She said I am the perfect Christmas present. Who knew a worn out little rag like me could find happiness at the end of a long and painful journey. But I did. Maybe some old mutt could be your Christmas present. Then you’d both be happy.