All The News That’s Fit To Print



It’s hard to know where to begin. Me and mom have been so busy teaching Journey and taking care of Shiloh, we haven’t had time to write.

Maybe that’s not the whole truth. We were busy, yes, but mostly we were living in the moment and not taking the time to think about our lives.

It’s a new year. I’m gonna be ten in February. Whew! Who woulda thought I’d ever be that old and here I am trying to raise a baby.

Journey keeps me on my toes but she also wears me out. Mom makes sure I get some time away from the little rascal so I can snooze or lie outside without Journey pulling my ears.

Journey and Asher

Journey and Asher

Last fall Journey started classes at Puppy Manners. Me and mom took Journey to class; I stayed in the car while Journey had her lessons. After class Journey would tell me all about what she learned.

Since I was home schooled I didn’t really understand what Journey was talking about. One day mom asked me if I wanted to take an advanced class. Not knowing what I was getting myself into I said sure.

This week I had my first class. It was strange and exciting and tiring. I’m the oldest mutt in the class and I put on a pretty good show, if I do say so. Mom kept encouraging me during class and afterwards gave me a big hug for doing so well. I’m learning some new moves so I can dance with mom. How fun is that??

Journey had her spay surgery just before the holidays. The poor little mutt was awful miserable for a couple days but she bounced right back.

Shiloh made it through another Christmas. That was all we wanted. It’s been a year since her cancer diagnosis so it’s a miracle that she’s still with us.

Mom had a few sports injuries recently. Journey and I were having a scrum and not paying attention. I accidentally jammed my nose into mom’s eye real hard. That sent her to the emergency eye doc the next morning.

A couple weeks later Journey and I ran into mom from behind and sent her sprawling on the driveway. She landed in a mud puddle, which seemed to irritate her a lot. Mom said we were guilty of unnecessary roughness and an illegal block in the back. What the heck? She’s been watching too much football. Anyway, all she got was a sprained ankle and skinned knees. Could have been a lot worse.

Now you know what we’ve been doing. I promised mom I would pay more attention to BarkingProse in 2016 and get Journey involved. Me and Journey talked it over and she’s game to start her own column. Heaven only knows what that little mutt wants to say, but if you check in once in a while you’ll find out.

Journey and Ash Conferring




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