
The Test

Tess won’t tell me if she’s a Democrat or Republican. I don’t really care one way or the other, I’d just like to know what she thinks. So I brought the Republican stuffie out of the toy box and placed it on her side. I thought if she was a Democrat the stuffie would work like an allergy test – she’d get all itchy and shake it off her. But you can see for yourself that she was real still and didn’t move a muscle. It’s okay if she’s a Republican. She can be a Democrat too. She just has to be nice about it. See ya.

Darcy’s Final Bark





Thank you for taking the time to read Darcy’s story. He was a delightful spirit who asked for so little in this world. A loving soul, a true gentleman – he will be missed by all who were privileged to know him. You can download all of Darcy’s barks in a single file by clicking on the link to Darcy’s Diary.

If you could possibly help another dog like Darcy, please contact Old Dog Haven. You will find a link to Old Dog Haven under “Sites We’ve Marked”. You will never regret opening your heart to a lonely old dog.

The End


Now comes the part of my story I so regret having to tell. I did not fear to lose my life. After all, I had been a shelter dog, a stray, a throw away. I’ve said before I had few expectations about my place in this world. But in the end, in my wildest dreams, I never thought someone would hold me as I took my last breath and wish me godspeed into the next world. But that is exactly what happened.

My people returned to the hospital later in the day when they learned there was no hope for my recovery. As they approached my cage I lifted my head towards them and wagged my tail. Exhausted, I let my head drop onto my paws. First my lady then the man stroked my head and told me how much they loved me, that they desperately wished I could have stayed longer with them at Asherpark.

They said I was a full member of their family and even after death I would remain with them. They explained that when my spirit was no longer trapped in my failing body, my physical remains would be cremated and my ashes returned to Asherpark. My lady whispered that my passage from this life would be very gentle and I had nothing to fear. All the pain and suffering was behind me.

She told me that as I took my last breath my spirit would be transformed into wonderful memories that they would keep for all time. It was indeed as she described. With their tears falling on my tired old body and my head cradled in their hands, I took one last breath and passed away.