Author: Finn

Family History

When Mom told me she was gonna interview me I was really excited. I wrote down some questions that I hoped she would ask me. I guess I didn’t really understand how the interview would work. I thought we would…

All About Finn

I can’t believe it. Mom just got off the phone with her writing coach and one of her assignments is to interview me! OMG! I can’t wait to hear what questions Mom is gonna ask me. And if she does…

In My Opinion

In case you’re wondering, there’s gonna be more from Nellie’s diary. I’ve been going through her papers and found that she didn’t always finish her stories. Sometimes there’s a gap between what just happened and her next adventure. That leaves…

Beautiful Journey

Journey When I saw this picture of Journey it melted my heart. OMG isn’t she so beautiful? Doesn’t she look like the perfect dog? Calm, poised, wise, all-knowing. Sometimes appearances are deceiving as I discovered going through the BarkingProse archives…

Nobody Loves A Dirty Dog

I was killing time on a poetry website yesterday – anything to put off working on my next Bark – when I got lucky and found this strange little poem by a guy named Billy Collins. “Nobody here likes a…

Here We Go Again

It’s been a while to say the least. A hiatus as one might say, or just a heck of a long time since any of us at Asherpark felt much like posting a bark. Journey really doesn’t want anything to…

Person of the Year

There’s no question in my mind. Journey deserves the title Person of the Year! She’s beautiful, funny, clever, endearing, sensitive and has the heart of a killer. Journey taught herself how to hunt. When she first caught a rat or…

It’s A New Year

Time passes but where does it go? Me and Journey are older now because time marches on taking us with it. Once in a while Mom says she wishes she could stop time because the moment is so perfect, but…

Merry Christmas Everybody!

Me and Journey kept asking Mom what she wanted for Christmas. We were thinking maybe she’d want something special like a new dog leash or a dog bowl. Turns out all she wants is us! That’s kinda silly because we’ve…