Codie’s Story


Today is our first day barking about Codie. Mom and me have been talking about how to do this. Since Codie is gone, everybody knows how her story ends. She was born, she lived a good live, and she died.

Codie lived for sixteen years. She started a journal just before she died. I’m gonna post her journal so you can read about her in her own words. Then I’ll take over and bark for her.

I want the world to know Codie. And while I’m barking about her, I’ll remember all the special times we had together. It’s kinda like having her with me again.


From Codie’s Journal

My days are numbered and the number is small. But my people can not yet bear to think of my passing, so I do my best to appear as sturdy as my old bones allow. They tell me daily how much they love me. They say this is probably my last year, but the words lack conviction. They speak these words to prepare for the time without me, but they are not ready for me to leave, and so I remain.

Mom tells me the fates brought us together. She had just lost her beloved Jesse, a black and white Australian Shepherd, and her heart was sad. She had forgotten how to laugh. The house was too quiet, too empty, too lonely. Mom received a call that I was available. “No, no!  It’s too soon,” she said. But then she saw me. She picked me up and buried her face in my puppy fur. Her salty tears were delightful to my puppy tongue. I grabbed her hair, scratched her face and dribbled a little pee on her shirt. She was mine. I had claimed her. They took me home.

I was never perfect, but I did try to please my new mom. She wanted me to make my toilet outside. I didn’t see the point in that at first, but if it made her happy it was fine with me. Oh, I did have a few accidents in the early months. Once she made the mistake of setting me on a down comforter. I was five months old at the time. I knew the comforter was a sacred spot. It smelled of my people. It smelled of Jesse. I got real excited. I grabbed the comforter and shook it. A small hole appeared. Down and feathers floated out. The urge to kill overcame me. I could not help myself. I wasn’t in a house in the city. I was alone in the wilderness fighting for my very survival, viciously killing my prey. The comforter was in shreds.

“Codie! What are you doing?”  She stood, towering above me. She was angry. Angry at me for what I had done. Angry at herself for foolishly putting me on the comforter. I was young and ashamed. I didn’t know how to apologize. In my embarrassment I peed on the comforter. Instantly the horror of what I had done was clear to me. A few moments of puppy madness and I had destroyed my world. She would hate me. She would take me back to my birth home and demand a refund. I would never be allowed in the sacred bedroom again. I would be banished, ignored, left for hours in the backyard to contemplate my evil deeds.

I didn’t expect what happened next. She started laughing. Little giggles at first. I looked at her. Maybe she was choking with rage. But she was definitely laughing. She swept me up  and danced with me. She laughed and hugged me and called me a silly beast. She told me it was her fault. She should never have put me on the comforter. The comforter was old and it didn’t matter anyway. She told me she loved me and would take care of me forever, but I had to try to learn her ways and I had to promise to stay with her as long as I could.

I was delirious with joy. She still loved me despite my terrible crime. Of course I would try to be better. I would grow up and learn her human ways. I would learn my place in her world and try to do what she asked of me. I promised that I would stay with her forever. I would grow old with her.  Our lives would change over time, but we would be together always.

And now that I can no longer hear and barely see, now that my old bones struggle to move me from one room to another, I remember my promise.

My days are numbered. My time is short. I must hurry to write my story.

What Next?


You’ve probably noticed it’s been a couple weeks since our last bark. I sure noticed. I kept trying to think about what to put in the DailyBark.

It’s not like nothing was happening. I got a prize for my good manners. Jack has been taking a shower every week for his dandruff. Tess started working with our trainer.

Nellie hasn’t done much other than wander in circles and drop bombs in the house.

Usually mom pushes me to stay on deadline. Sometimes we talk about what’s important and how I should report the news. Once in a while I get to do a goofy op-ed piece and have some fun barking about nothing.

We’ve been doing the DailyBark for over two years now. It’s been a lot of fun and I can’t imagine life without barking at the world. But I feel like I gotta do something different.

Maybe it’s because I’m older and I’ve been to school. I don’t run off on my crazy adventures like I used. to. I listen to mom and come when I’m called. I stay in my place when people come to the door. No more jumping all over the neighbor.

It’s coming up on that time of year when Codie left us. This will be three years without her. I still have this great big ache in my heart for Codie, but it’s getting harder to remember all the fun stuff we used to do together.

I asked mom if I could do some barks to honor Codie. Like maybe tell about Codie as a puppy and how she led the life of a princess. Only problem is I can’t bark Codie’s story by myself because I wasn’t around when she was young.

Me and mom have been talking it over. I asked mom to get out all the old pictures she has of Codie and tell me a story for each one. Mom kept saying, “After we get our taxes done, Ash.”

Well guess what. The stupid taxes got done yesterday. Mom’s gonna help me with Codie’s story starting tomorrow.

I asked mom if we could start out with “Once upon a time…”  Mom laughed and said I have a whole day to think about it, but come tomorrow we launch our project.

I gotta do this. I loved Codie so much. Maybe she’ll come back to me when I bark about her. Maybe she’ll know we still miss her. Maybe she’ll see I turned out to be a pretty good mutt, thanks to her raising me when I was a pup. Maybe we’ll all feel good remembering Codie. Maybe it’s just something I gotta do.





Family Time

The Pack

Us four mutts got loaded into the Volvo. We didn’t know where we were going. We didn’t care either. We just wanted to go.

Usually it’s just me and who Jack who go, but lately mom’s been bringing everybody.

Tess would rather ride in dad’s truck. She likes to sit in the front seat and act like a big shot.

Yesterday when Tess saw the rest of us were going somewhere in the car, she wanted to go too.

Our friend the reporter took this picture. It took three people to get us lined up right for our family portrait. Yeah, we forgot to look at the camera, but at least we’re all in the picture.

You can see in the picture that me and Tess are tethered. That’s to keep me from flying around the car when I see our dumb neighbor dog and Tess from crawling over everybody to get to the front seat.

Jack is so good natured. He doesn’t care who is in the car as long as he’s along for the ride.

See little Nellie poking her snout out? She’s so good. When us big mutts step on her she never complains. Nellie is soooooo happy when she gets to go for a ride. We gotta take her more even though it’s hard on her lifting her in and out.

Yesterday Nellie tried to leap for joy after the car ride. She fell over but we all knew she was happy.

Family time is always fun. Nothing big happens. We go for a drive, see the sights, bark at dogs along the way, and snooze. There’s always a treat. One time we stopped for ice cream. Oh man, that was good.

Yesterday we met our friends out in the country. The people had lunch while we waited in the car. When the people came out they had huge doggie bags of treats. Yumm, we smelled that all the way home.

Funny, after a family trip we’re all kinda relaxed. We had early dinner. Jack and Nellie fell asleep. Tess watched tv, and I watched for our fool neighbor dog to come out.

We went to bed early and dreamed of our fun time in the car. Sweet!