I Am Nellie Part 3


Once I squeezed through the gap in the fence there was no going back. But why would I want to go back? Back to what?

Back to a filthy yard full of dog shit? Back to a drunken owner who threw cheap kibble on the ground and called it dinner?

Back to days of longing for someone, anyone, who would see me and know I was worth loving.

My first steps into freedom are thrilling. I can go anywhere. I can dream. Maybe I can even find something good to eat.

A toddler approaches me with a donut in her hand. Like so many little kids she points at me and squeals “Doggie!”

She totters towards me donut extended. I reach to take the donut from her hand when her mother screams, “Ellla! Don’t touch that filthy thing!”

Filthy thing? Was she talking about me? The mother grabs the child, tosses the donut at me and hurries off.

With one large gulp the donut is mine. As the gooey frosting lingers on my face, I carefully lick my lips savoring every last taste. Time to move on.

As I wander down the sidewalk, I notice people step aside to let me pass. That’s odd. Then I hear one say, “That old ball of rags sure stinks.”

Are they talking about me? It’s true I don’t remember the last time I had a bath. Haven’t been brushed or had my nails trimmed either. And then there’s that big ball thing attached to my flank. Cancer? Rat’s nest? A wound with maggots?

But I’m still me. Can’t anybody see that? I may be dirty and stinky but I’m an Aussie! I have one blue eye and one brown eye. Once I was beautiful. Once I was loved. Does that count for anything?

Well at least I’m free. I’m on my own looking for something I can’t quite put into words. Chasing a feeling I remember when life was better, when I had an owner who wanted me. Looking for love – but where? I guess time will tell.

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