Beautiful Journey


When I saw this picture of Journey it melted my heart. OMG isn’t she so beautiful? Doesn’t she look like the perfect dog? Calm, poised, wise, all-knowing.

Sometimes appearances are deceiving as I discovered going through the BarkingProse archives where I learned a bunch of funny things about Journey.

When she was about twelve weeks old Mom took Journey to a puppy class. It was the first of many classes to come for Mom and Journey.

Baby Journey

At this first class Journey pitched a fit when the instructors asked everyone to settle down and listen. Journey started wailing, which of course made the other puppies act up.

The man instructor walked over to Mom and told her they had to figure out how to get Journey to relax and be quiet. He asked if he could work with Journey during the class and Mom sit on the sidelines and watch.

Mom was more than happy to relinquish her little devil pup, and that’s how Mom learned about calming puppies.

Turns out the instructor was a horse guy who whispered things. Horses and dogs felt his calm energy and would relax. Not Journey. As the instructor sat on the floor holding little Journey in his big hands, Journey squirmed and shrieked. I guess she made quite the spectacle.

The instructor told the class he could not release Journey until she gave up and stopped struggling. He explained that he used only the least amount of force on Journey as she pitched a world class tantrum. The instant she relaxed even a little, he relaxed his grip.

Well Journey is a fighter and she didn’t give up easily. She cried through the entire class with the patient instructor sitting on the floor gently holding her on his lap.

Mom was kind of embarassed by Journey’s behavior but also fascinated to watch what was happening.

Finally just before the class was over Journey let out one last tired shriek, yawned, licked the instructor’s face and relaxed in his arms.

There’s a lot more to this story but I gotta stop here for now. Watch for my next Bark to learn about the homework assignment Mom and Journey got that changed their lives.

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