Author: Finn

Person of the Year

There’s no question in my mind. Journey deserves the title Person of the Year! She’s beautiful, funny, clever, endearing, sensitive and has the heart of a killer. Journey taught herself how to hunt. When she first caught a rat or…

It’s A New Year

Time passes but where does it go? Me and Journey are older now because time marches on taking us with it. Once in a while Mom says she wishes she could stop time because the moment is so perfect, but…

Merry Christmas Everybody!

Me and Journey kept asking Mom what she wanted for Christmas. We were thinking maybe she’d want something special like a new dog leash or a dog bowl. Turns out all she wants is us! That’s kinda silly because we’ve…

Big Time Scary

I’m okay now but I sure had Mom worried for a while. We’d been to the beach where we all had a great time. Me and Journey got to go on lots of walks and sniff really cool stuff. A…

What’s In A Name?

Journey, it’s such a lyrical and unusual name. People ask us all the time how Journey got her name. If Mom thinks the question is sincere, she will explain why she chose the name Journey. Otherwise she just laughs and…

Can BarkingProse Rise Again?

Lately I’ve been thinking about inertia. It makes sense that if you’re in motion it’s easy to stay in motion, but once you’ve stopped it’s hard to restart. After our dad died me and Journey argued over who was gonna…

Almost A Year

We’re still here. We didn’t go anywhere. We just quit posting barks on BarkingProse for a while. It’s because our Dad died and we really didn’t have words for what we were feeling. Dad died almost a year ago. Cancer…

A Christmas Long Ago

I was looking through old pictures and I found this one. I never met Ash but Journey has told me all about him. He’s the reason we live in the country in a special place called Asherpark. Mom and Ash…

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!

It’s a tradition for us mutts at Asherpark to post a Bark on Thanksgiving. I was hoping Journey would step up and help me out, but no way. She’s busy tracking all the wildlife that ran through our yard last…

Feeling Bad

Yesterday wasn’t a good day for me. I screwed up big time and feel like such a loser. Everything I did was wrong from start to finish. It began when mom decided to take me and Journey for a walk.…